
7392 - Stella York



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Stella York

Brautkleid mit funkelndem, perlenbesetztem Oberteil und Ballerina-Rock

Ballerina-inspirierte Raffinesse trifft im Modell 7392 auf glitzernden Braut-Glamour. Dieses Kleid glitzert mit einem Oberteil, das aufwendig mit funkelnden Perlendetails verziert ist, aus jedem Winkel. Spitzenmuster werden mit aufwendigen Stickereien und glitzernden Perlen und Pailletten akzentuiert und erzeugen einen atemberaubenden Schimmer. Zarte, weitauseinanderliegende Träger wirken auf dem markanten Oberteil verspielt, während der tiefe Rückenauschnitt für einen verführerischen Touch sorgt. Der Rock ist wie gemacht für eine anmutige Braut, mit Lagen aus Tüll, die fabelhaftes Volumen schaffen. Dieses Hochzeitskleid lässt Bräute die Nacht atemberaubend stilvoll durchtanzen.


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French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">French Tulle

Detail Options:

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

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French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

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French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

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French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

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French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(IV) Ivory

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(MO) Mocha

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(PL) Porcelain

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">(WH) White


<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:

<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Stills Shown In:

Influencer Shown In:

Video Shown In:

French Tulle

Detail Options:
(IS) Ivory Beading and Shimmer Sequin
(WS) White Beading and Shimmer Sequin

Fabric Colors Available:
(IVAL) Ivory French Tulle over Almond Gown
(IVIV) Ivory French Tulle over Ivory Gown
(WHWH) White French Tulle over White Gown

Tulle Plunge Options:
(IV) Ivory
(MO) Mocha
(PL) Porcelain
(WH) White

ZP Only - Stella Crystal Buttons

Product Options:
Dress Only"}">Dress Only

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